Lau Kata Kati
This game is similar to that of Felli, and is a version of Alquerque, the forerunner of draughts. Lau Kata Kati is played with nine pieces on each side, on a board in the shape of an hourglass. The board is similar in layout to that of Felli, but slightly larger, with the nine pieces of each player being arrayed in three rows.
History of Felli and Lau Kata Kati
The game of Alquerque, first documented in Spain, spread around the world, and its board adopted different shapes as it did so. In Morocco and in India, hourglass-shaped boards were separately designed. The Moroccan game, felli, is the simplest of all alquerque games, having only thirteen points onto which six pieces per player are set out. The Indian game is larger, with nine pieces per side.
Rules for Lau Kata Kati
2. In his or her turn a player will move a piece one step along a marked line, to an adjacent empty point.
3. A piece captures a neighbouring enemy piece by jumping over it to land on the empty point beyond. If a capture is available, it must be made.
4. Having captured an enemy, a piece must make a further jump and capture from its new location if possible. Any number of captures can be chained in this way.
5. The game is won by the player who captures all the opponent’s pieces.