
Traditional Board Games

Tâb print-and-play

Game sheet from the Tâb Print-and-play file.
Game sheet from the Tâb Print-and-play file.

Download: tab-print-and-play.pdf
Size 59kb, downloads 3455.

Tâb is a game from Egypt, invented in mediaeval times and last recorded in its native land in the 1820s. Pieces move around the board in a set path by the throws of binary lots (casting sticks or coins) but this is not a race game, it is a war game, as the objective is not to reach a finish but to capture all of the enemy pieces.

This print-and-play file allows you to create your own set with a sheet of card in A4 size (but adaptable to U.S. Letter). An extra sheet contains assembly instructions and rules of play.


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